Monday, April 14, 2008

Mondays, Home Cooked Dinners and more...

Ah, Monday. The day after Sunday when it's hard to drag yourself out of bed and get back into the routine. Fortunately, it's a little lighter in the mornings now, so it doesn't seem like you're getting up to go to work in the middle of the night. That is a definite positive. It's still difficult, though. But I'll keep on until someday (ah, someday) when I can quit the dayjob and actually do something I like to do all day. Hope springs eternal!

Speaking of liking what you do all day, my partner-in-crime/sister-in-law Katie has started up a little business of her own, and I'm really excited for her. From her flyer:

"At the end of a busy day when you don't have time to cook for your family, wouldn't it be nice to have a prepared, home cooked meal, ready to pull out and put on the table? Consider these simple (kid tested and approved) meals from Katie's Kitchen. Let Katie do the work for you and make dinnertime at your house a little less stressful for a change."

She's offering two different sizes of meals; the Small serves up to 3 people, and the Large serves 4-6 people. I can personally attest to Katie's skills in the kitchen. When we first brought my daughter home from the hospital, we had 3 or 4 meals of hers in the freezer, and everything was very quick and easy to prepare, and most importantly, yummy! For more information, visit her website:

In other news, I've been working on my embroidery machine skills, and I think I might be getting the hang of it. I have so many ideas I want to put into action, and not enough time! I did recently buy some blank aprons, so be on the lookout for those soon! I've gotten lots of great designs and can't wait to use them. Want a sample? Of course you do!

I think this one is perfect for Father's Day..I bought black bib aprons to put this design on. Isn't it fun? Be on the lookout for this to be in the shop soon!

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